How to Manage Medicines Effectively in a Care Home
How to Manage Medicines Effectively in a Care Home
Care Home Pharmacy Services must always make sure that they have a written policy. They also need to have the procedure on the administration of medicines. The guidelines for managing medications in care homes are pretty set, and the staff working in the house should be aware of the policy and adhere to them at all times. Professional standards of practice and behavior are required for all nurses, midwives, and nursing associates. The various aspects of how medicines are managed in the care home are covered in the written policy.
The policy should include procedures for the following:
● Obtaining medicines
ways to managing medications in care homes.
storing and disposing of medicines
recording medicines
● The actions that are to be taken
if a medicine administration error is identified by any means.
The specialist procedures involve
medicines relevant to that home.
Health care
assistants (HCAs) or assistant practitioners (APs) have the upper hand at
administering medicines in care homes. The practical tips for managing medications in care homes suggest that if the
care home is registered to provide nursing care, it should allocate the medical
practitioner or registered nurse. Only they shall have the power to decide as
to who can administer medicines. However, under certain circumstances where
health care assistants (HCAs) or assistant practitioners (APs) have gone
through the required appropriate training and have been deemed to be competent,
then some significant modifications in the law can be made
A note on the self-administration of medication in a care home
National standards
place great emphasis on the very right of a service user. They put in question
their actions and ask them to take responsibility for their medication when
possible. Self-administration of medication is critical if one dreams of
promoting self-management of long-term conditions. This should be supported
wherever possible.
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